Monthly Archives: August 2022

the sheet music of time

history: it can torture or liberate you, like piano lessons.
your choice, as long as you know how to read it.

we are all living text: our language is visible as
graffiti – ocean-colored beauty, or vandalism.

history could mean: read, interpret, be changed by it,
provided that you go beyond fact and timeline.

a jesuit conductor told me: focus on the meaning,
the music behind holy words: faith will

follow, and the mist will lift, as it does each morning.
fall behind, and it won’t ever leave; spring forth,

you might surf past it, looking back at what-if.
tune with it… and you just might enjoy the

flow of moments, trilling up and down like notes on
staff paper. see your role like this, maybe:
you’re part of the orchestra,
you’re seemingly small

but vital, costless: you won’t first feel the totality of
the song, but as long as all are in synch, on beat,

on fire: we’ll all have a peek at at what some poets
call: “what god sees, from god’s view”.



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Filed under @->~--- mga tula

lessons (so far) from a second adulthood

*first, there’s no second childhood when you’re anchored to your first:
no need to leave it behind, because that’s when you get old. next,
recall how your strength and your teachers are all around you*

*in a rainstorm you will get soaked. deal with it. but if you can,
collect the water for future use – you won’t regret it. use
your own kind of container.

*as a gemini, your love for martial arts adores both the martial and
the art, in equal bright, roiling measure. the tao te ching taught
you to flow without resistance, to surf the music’s bassline,

*while the dhammapada taught the art of simultaneously holding
while releasing. meanwhile, those who love you most
(remember, family is defined by love, not blood)

*taught you that compassion, the source of true richness, costs
nothing: their hearts shine like stars on water: see them: and
if you’re blessed, you may see yourself more clearly*



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